Monday, August 08, 2005


Tomorrow i'm heading to the gym with my friends and maybe will drag Cheryl as well. I am on the hunt to find a bag (deuter or jansport brand). I need a big one, like those back packers style since i will be away to Shang-hai and Hong Kong for a 1 week holiday. And hopefully i won't be spending all my money on unwanted stuff. I spend more money on toy's like Gundam and etc now days than clothes, food and staitonery. Okay, so maybe not the last one. I rarely buy stationery, i think. And magazines. Oh my, the magazines! Someone should hold my wallet whenever i pass a magazine stall. Or blindfold me or something. Okay i take that back. i wouldn't want any sudden, scary surprises from you guys. Like attacks from behind with a paper bag. Don't get any bright ideas, people. you know what? I've cleaned my room! well, nearly. There's still clothes here and there, but at least my room is neat-er. my closet is the best. it's so nice now i'll only take clothes off the top and not grab the ones in the middle of the pile like always. for now, that is. Oh yeah, i've been busy burning CDs now, whoaaaah. need... to... save... money...

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