Saturday, August 13, 2005

It'S A DoGZ LiFe

Do people care about dogs? This month had so many dead dogs experience on the road. It gets very disapointing to see how human's easily and carelessly just roll over a poor confused dog. Yesterday on my way back, was stuck at the Bayan Baru roundabout. I saw a tiny dog come out from the drain hole when there was no traffic on the opposite direction. Then I guess when the lights turned green motorbikes came rushing, and this poor tiny dog got scared and ran back to it's hole. I was thinking, poor dog. It must be lost. It doesn't have a home. People to love it. Wanted to just drive over there and take it home to my house where it'll be safe. But knowing my dad would not accept another dog. Little did that tiny dog know that it's life was going to end in a few hours time. At night on my way back with Boo, I saw the body of the tiny dog resting peacefully at the side of the road. It must have tried to cross the road again. Damn it!

Then to add to my misery, this morning on my way to work, saw another dog lying at the side of the road all stiff and bloated. This dog was huge. A mix breed which I use to see walking along the garbage places picking on any bit of food found. Do people ever try to break or avoid when seeing a dog in the middle of the road. Or are they just brainless and numb to just purposely go ahead and knock/roll the poor fella. I've seen some people who purposely drive faster to hit the dog....I condem those people! You brainless idots out there. Hope the same tragedy will happen to you someday.

There's another dog experience last month. On my way back from work along Batu Maung, there was a "Chiwawa" dog lying on the middle of the road. It was still ALIVE!!!! It had blood coming out from it's nose but it was still ALIVE. Know what cars did, they just slowed down and avoided the poor injured dog. There were a few motorbikes who stopped, but know what they were doing. Just chit chated among each other looking at the poor innocent life of the dog dwindle away by the minutes. Ish just felt like taking a stick and crack open their heads. At least stop the traffic, carry the injured dog to safety-la!!!!The next day was expecting to see some remains of the dog splattered on the road, but to my surprise the road was clean. So did someone really come and rescue the dog??? I pray hard that it's still alive today.

I have a dog which my mum rescued and she has been staying with us ever since then. We have a monsoon drain behind my house. One morning there was a dog yapping away and howling at the back. We went to check and there it was. This little dog was screaming for help in the drain. The tide was coming up and the water was rising. Any longer the she'll drown. Neighbours were all looking. But non of them helped. Know what they did? Carried their children and went "dog dog..see dog" f%^&Ing idoits...for heavens sake don't ever do that when your in that situation. You're teaching the wrong morals to your kids. You should at least take the innitiative to help the dog. Thanks to my mum and her bright ideas, she tied a stick with a dustpan and lowered it into the drain. The dog was smart it jumped to safety and my mum slowly carried up. We named it SCRUFFY. She was just a puppy at that time. Slightly bigger than my palm. For a week we kept Scruffy waiting for someone to come to our house to claim her back. She must have ran away or got lose from her owners. But a week passed, no one came. But was thinking why should we give SCRUFFY back to the owner, when they themselves didn't bother to come looking for her that morning in the first place. They probably had her locked up in cage at the corner of the porch. So why should we bring her back to that prison life. So we in the end adopted her.

Some people, they want to get dogs but they are not prepared with the work and noise they have to accept. When you have a puppt, obviously the puppy will bark at nights as it misses it's mum. Obviously it'll teeth on your shoes, cos it's teeth is growing. The best thing to do is let it be with you at night. Maybe put it in the house. It just needs a company to be with at night. Just like any baby. Without the mother it will cry. It's the same with puppies. But I've seen many who just can't stand it and give the dog away. Irresponsible people I would say.

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