Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Tennis Update

Saturday, at 9 am we both played tennis at Heritage. It was good for me, but am not too sure if Boo enjoyed it cos he was teaching me the strokes and picking up my balls all the way. I enjoyed it...but as the time passed it started to get really hot.

Boo is a good tennis player. He used to be the state player last time during his schooling years. But since he moved to Penang, he stopped. He's been trying to start playing tennis again. But I'm no tennis player. We have a few people who have said they would like to play (who can play) but we've had no time to actually plan it. So i guess at the moment...it's to train me up so that in 6 months time, i would be able to at least play a game with my boo.

So we're starting to make this a regular affair. Today we've booked the tennis court, and darn they charge us RM8 bucks per hour for the electricity. Bummer....mornings are free but hot. Night time is not hot but have to pay....aiyo

Boo giving his body a good stretch

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