There was really a lot of planning made to this surprise. Cousin Lynn kept emailing me often on the updates and what she was planning. Now this surprise was hard to do. I had to get my Parents, Ed, Anna and Ahma to Rasa Sayang dressed formal. How I did it, well it’s a bit messy.
Weeks before
***Note these white lies were made weeks before Aunty Jean arrived.
White Lie 1: Told Ed that my Dad and I will be sharing to treat the family for an early Christmas Dinner at Rasa Sayang on the 16th of Dec.
White Lie 2: Told my parents that I am treating everyone dinner at Rasa Sayang on the 16th of Dec for an early Christmas Dinner before I leave for Philippines.
White Lie 3: Told Anna to take note of the date 16 Dec 2007 as I will be taking them out for dinner.
*** Obstacles faced: Parents thought having dinner with Ed’s family. Ed however kept bugging me if I had enough money to spend for everyone at Rasa Sayang.
When Aunty Jean arrived
White Lie 4: Changed the story and told everyone that actually the dinner at Rasa Sayang is being shared between Aunty Jean, Fiona and I. Everyone is suppose to be dressed formal. No jeans allowed. That was hard to get by as dad and Ed grumbled.
***Fiona knew about this surprise as she was in charged of getting her Dad down to Rasa Sayang.
The day 16 Dec 07 arrive. Boy I had to remind everyone everyday about this dinner date. Came the hour, made everyone meet at Le Nid at 6.15pm. Traffic was smooth and we reached Rasa Sayang earlier. Shit…..Lynn was only going to meet us at the lobby at 7.30pm. I had about 20 minutes to tackle with my parents and Ed. At the entrance, the security stopped us and we told him that we were here for dinner. Then he pointed to turn right…..but no I’m suppose to get everyone to the other lobby on the left….tension!…..manage to get my dad to turn left and park the car. Ed on the other hand, he was getting abit pissed with me as to why park left when the restaurant is nearer to the right lobby. So cleverly, I told everyone that I had arranged a special caroling session at left lobby. Then Ed with his face was asking me which lobby was it, and who are the carolers and what time…..boy was he hard to get to follow instructions. In the end I gave him the look and told him “Just do what I say with no further questions as I have planned everything.” ....and I tried my best to avoid Ed.
At the lobby, told everyone to sit down as the carolers only coming at 7.30pm. Then I rushed to the toilet to make a quick phone call to my cousin. Shit!!!! I was low on credit and could only afford to send a SMS. “Lynn, we are here at the lobby. Ed’s getting angry and is questioning my plans, how? Are you ready? Help!”
Since Fiona was playing along with this surprise I dragged her to a corner away from everyone and told her I told everyone carolers are coming. She then announced to everyone to wait for the carolers to assure everyone all is well. Then we both rushed to the back to hide from them….then I suddenly heard voices coming from the hallway. It sounded like my lil cousins……ooohhh what a relief, they came down earlier!!!!!!.
First Family member to get surprised was my Uncle Terry. Boy you should have seen his facial expression…he was walking around hand stretched sideways to the air, swinging around, when he turned and saw the Arabs, he was stunned. Mouth opened for a few seconds. Facial expression, lost to the world…then a sound came out, “Eh Lynn” hahahahha what a good candid moment…but my camera wasn’t on to capture it. Dam it!
Then came the surprise for the rest of the family. Everyone was surprised. Pictures below says it all.
Dinner was good. My cousin had made special reservations with the hotel and our table was specially decorated and we were served with turkey. I enjoyed myself not only with the food but with the family. It’s not often we can get the family together…well we do but it’s always 10% of the family. All others are abroad. Well thanks to my cousin Lynn for arranging this special dinner. A lot of effort was made by her and I’m sure everyone will remember the surprise made.
Food was good, but it did not have as much variety to the first visit I had. Then I found out the best time to come would be Friday night and Saturday night where the dinner theme would be seafood. That day it was missing the scallops, and an action counter which cooked fish, prawns, crabs, oyster, slippery lobster etc. A bit sad but well it’s the company of the family that counted for that night.
Hugs after the surprise
The family in front of the Christmas tree
Table set
The family
Cheers to everyone
The special Turkey. Nice, tender and juicy
Food. Spot the abalone slices left corner down
Lobster and huge prawn
Make your own crepe
Cold cut sections. Next to Ed is Oyster, Lobsters, prawns and yabby
Sushi and sashimi corner
More food
Tandoori Corner
The buffet area and my Aunty Jean
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